Precision Tools For Sale

3-inch Sine Dresser Tool - Image 1 3-inch Sine Dresser Tool - Image 2

Self-made 3 inch sine dresser capable of dressing any angle between 0° and 60°. Made from 1020 steel carburized and case hardened to 58-60 Rc.

$250 SOLD

Narrow Wheel Dresser - Image 1 Narrow Wheel Dresser - Image 2 Narrow Wheel Dresser - Image 3

Hermann Schmidt Narrow Wheel Dresser in excellent condition with wooden box included.


3x3 Angle Plate - Image 1 3x3 Angle Plate - Image 2

New Hermann Schmidt 3"x 3" Angle Plate. Still wrapped in original bag and covered with cosmoline.


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New Hermann Schmidt 5"x 5" Angle Plate. Still wrapped in original bag and covered with cosmoline. Rail included (and no, that's not rust in the pic, it's cosmoline)


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Hermann Schmidt/Kuhn Clearview Radius Dresser. I hated using the shop dresser due to the fact that when someone else used it you'd lose your setting and have to reset it everytime, or someone would destroy that nice phono point diamond you were using, and it seemed like I was the only employee who would bother to center that new diamond in the dresser before it would get blasted again. I finally got around to buying my own and 6 months later I was moved to a brand new Okamoto CNC Form Grinder and no longer need a radius dresser. I'd bet I used this dresser less than 20 times and it is pristine and bears no wheel scars that the shop dresser bore. The last price I saw on the Hermann Schimdt website was $2595.


Master Square - Image 1 Master Square - Image 2

New Hermann Schmidt Master Square. Still wrapped in original bag and covered with cosmoline.


3inch Sine Plate - Image 1 3inch Sine Plate - Image 2 3inch Sine Plate - Image 3 3inch Sine Plate - Image 4

Suburban #SP-44-S0 3" Sine Plate. I tuned it up by dusting off the top on a surface grinder, relieved the bottom to eliminate "float" after setting it down on a granite surface plate and crafted a better back rail for it. Original back rail is shown attached to the front. Current price listed on Suburban Tools website is $842.

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Suburban #SC-66-S1 6"X 6" Magnetic Squaring Chuck including 2 back rails and Allen key. Current price listed on Suburban Tools website is an eye-watering $1765.


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Suburban Planer Gage. Suburban Tools quit making this style several years ago and it's replacement is priced at over $800


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Self-made Planer Gage. A buddy did the machining of this and I did all the finish grinding. Made of 8620 steel carburized and case hardened to 58-60 Rc.


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Swiss Precision Instruments Brand 4" x 2" x 1" Matched Integrally Cast Aluminum and Steel chuck blocks. New and unused (1 pair).


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